[A#4, P2 Ideation and Storyboard]

1. Hypothesis Statement and Problem Statement

Hypothesis Satement

We believe that by implementing an ingredient filter and the possibility to memerize the unused ingredient for Leroy we will achieve more satisfaction in the recipe suggestions, more time savings, and less stress while searching for recipes.

Problem Statement

Leroy needs a way to filter his recipes for ingredients because he suffers from a serious lactose intollerance and an apple allergie and is too busy to spend much time in research for suitable recipes. We will know this to be true when we see him being more motivated to try out new recipes because its easy for him to find them.

2. Conceptual Models for task analysis

We decided to use  Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN) as the way to illustrate our taskflow. The main reason was, that we need to display many decisions the user has to make to get to the wanted result. BPMN seemed to be a good and simple solution for that and also manages to show it in a more clean manner than other diagram types.



Probleme: Viele Sachen werden weggeschmissen, viel Zeit geht für Rezeptsuche drauf,
Lösung: App lässt einen Rezepte individuell filtern und erleichtert so die Rezeptsuche.


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