[A#4, P2 Ideation and Storyboard]


Who made what contribution?

We were working together on the tasks 1 and 2 and decided to seperate us for the tasks 3 and 4. After we each created our own sketches and moodboards we brought them together and created the storyboard.

Learning & Take-Aways

  • We got a better understanding for our problem
  • By creating the BPMN we learned more about the actual taskflow of the app
  • The sketches helped us to create first design ideas
  • We learned that it’s difficult to give an app an intuitive UI

What went well?

Everything went this week very well.

Improvement and Concern

This week we worked less in a group and more individually which gave us opportunity to formulate our own ideas and later on share them with the group members.

Our biggest concern is that the app will be too extensive. We have a lot of features which we like to implement, but we are not sure if it’s doable to include them all.

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