Assignment #6: Paper prototyping and usability testing

  ?   Deadline: Tuesday, 1st June 12 PM (noon)
 ?   Goals: Conduct formative usability tests.

(1) Continue to develop (or start a new) paper prototype based on new insights or feedback from your peers.

Please document:

  • What and why you have changed your prototype?
  • How you expect this will improve the prototype?

(2) Conduct (at least) 3 formative usability tests.

  1. Develop a script for your usability test.
  2. Document who is taking what role.
  3. Decide if you want to record your test session and how you take notes during the test sessions.
  4. Document who you are inviting for a test session and how long the session lasted.

(3) Document and evaluate the results of your testing.

  • What method did you use to evaluate the results of your usability tests? How did you evaluate the results?
  • What did you learn from the testing? What are your main takeaways?

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