[A#6, P5] Paper prototyping and usability testing

(3) Document and evaluate the results of your testing.

What method did you use to evaluate the results of your usability tests? How did you evaluate the results?

We used Affinity Diagramming to order our notes that we took from the interviews and to get a better overview of want went not so well and what we can improve in our prototype.

Our notes sorted by the different interviewee
Our notes sorted by different categories

What did you learn from the testing? What are your main takeaways?

We learned that our mobile application and our ideas and visions where very appealing to our interviewees. The overall design with the color scheme and the separation of the different functions were received well. For the most part the icons were understandable but with some of them our interviewees had problems to understand them properly or got a bit confused. Also to start the sleepmodus was rather confusing than helping. According to the interviewees the transition from our application to the lock screen was aprubt and we should use a pop-up screen to ask if the user wants to begin the sleeping modus.
Also we got some suggestions where some icons should be placed or what we could add to some functions to improve the usage of our mobile application.
But our main takeaway is to change the icons so that potentional users could easier navigate through our application.


Who did what?

Angelika created the blog post. We all worked to together to extend our prototype, to create the script for the user tests and used jamboard to evaluate the interviews.

What have we learned?

As described under section 3 ‚Document and evaluate the results of your testing‚ we learned a lot about how others see our application and what we could change to make a better one. Also we learned how different people interact with new software.

What went well?

As always our group work was very efficient and good and although we had little connection errrors in our usertests everything went well.

What do we want to improve?

Like last time we want to improve the icons in our prototype and want to think about some of the suggestions of our interviewees.

But as always we are happy with the work we have done and the results we got from the usertests.

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