Assignment #8: Heuristic Evaluation

?    Deadline: Monday, 21st June 12 PM (noon)
?    Goals: Continue building your prototype and prepare a heuristic evaluation

  1. Continue to improve your high-fidelity prototype.
  2. Conduct the first and second phases of a heuristic evaluation and prepare to continue with phases 3, and 4 during the next lab session.

Phase 1: Prepare

Use the Nielsen’s Heuristics presented in the lecture.

Prepare the tasks for the evaluators.

Please use an (online) form to collect the violations by each evaluator in a systematic way.

Prepare so everybody can take screenshots and is able to link them in the previous form.

Don’t forget: You need to get access to the application of the other group!

Phase 2: Evaluate (Individual Inspection)

  • Carry out the individual inspection using the prepared documents.
  • Document your violations using your adapted form.
  • All team members should carry out the individual inspection. This should be calculated with 45 minutes per person (max. 1 hour).

Documentation and Reflection

Document and reflect your process and list the files/documents you used during evaluation in the blog post.

Hint: The group discussion (Phase 3) will take place during the next lab session. Prepare for that.

Selected Sets of Heuristics Principles

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