Dialog Box

A Dialog box is a type of pop-up menus and is inserted to get a certain information from the user. It is a small window and structured like a form.
We distingiush between a modal and modeless dialog box.

A modal dialog box blocks the whole application and sometimes prevents you from interacting with other applications. You can only get back if you enter the needed information or close the dialog box. It is used when the application needs certain information from the user in order to proceed the process.

I made the picture myself

A modeless dialog box doesn’t restrict the workflow of the user like the model dialog box, so it coexists with the parent application.

Navigation side bar in MS Word
I made the picture myself

Video: Müller-Birn, C., Lecture 7-2, LU #7 – Designing the Interaction between Human and Computer – Human-Computer Interaction I (fu-berlin.de), Start: 9:30 End: 12:13, retrieved 03.06.2021, 12:00
Slides: 07-02_Interaction_Styles (fu-berlin.de), p.7

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