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Hints on h5p content types

Content types, which are easy to use are:

  • Fill in the Blanks
    Here is no drag and drop, you need to type by yourself.
  • Drag Text
  • True/False Question
    This is only a single question.
  • Question Set
    Use this if you want to create multiples questions, e.g. multiple True/False Questions.
  • Image Sequencing
    Sort images.
  • Multiple Choice
  • Mark the words

Assignment #1: Pitch your Project

Due: Monday, 26th April 12 PM (noon)

In your first assignment, you will prepare a pitch to introduce your project, the problem you want to solve, and your team to your fellow students. This pitch[1] will set the bar for all groups, so be aware that preparation is key! In the end, it has to be clear to the audience:

  • What person will you consult? (name, profession, context)
  • What is the problem you think you are going to solve?
  • Who is on your team?
  1. Choose a team name.
  2. Create a team photo [2]. Please stick to the following format:
    PNG, 16:9 (e.g. 1024px X 576px)
  3. Stick to the project requirements when brainstorming project ideas with your team.
  4. Please answer the following questions (Five Ws + How):
    1. Who is your user group?
      And who might be other stakeholders?
      e.g., business person, parents occupied with homeschooling, young people backpacking by bike or boat, people over 50 living in rural areas, artists, etc.
    2. What is the exact problem?
      e.g., parents are overwhelmed with the homeschooling schedule of their children.
    3. Where is your user group interacting with your software?
      e.g., in the supermarket, waiting for a train, home office, on the road
    4. When is the user group interacting with your software?
      e.g., use it on the go for 5-10 minutes, on lunch breaks, while biking, daily in the morning, etc.
    5. Why do your users need this software?
      Why is that interesting?
    6. How do you want to solve the problem?
      e.g., a mobile app that checks WhatsApp messages for fake news
  5. Prepare a project pitch.
  6. Please stick to the hints for project pitches below.
  7. Summarize your work in a blog post!
    Use the provided template.
    Check out the instruction on How to … write a blog post on WordPress?

Hints for Project Pitches

  • All members of the team need to say something.
  • Five minutes per pitch and three minutes for discussion.
  • Maximum 4 slides.
  • ? Be visual: use slides, make a video, and be creative!
  • We all want to get to know the team!
  • Be prepared to answer questions!
  • Be ready to give feedback to other groups!

If you are wondering what is meant by projects, please check out the projects of last semester: Summer Term 2020, Summer Term 2019, and Summer Term 2018

[1] A pitch is a highly motivated, structured, and visual presentation.
[2] It could be a photo, some drawing of your group, or some icons/symbols per person. (Example)