Assignment #1 – Pitch your project
1. Who is your user group?
Our Usergroup includes everyone who has a pet (espacially dogs) and wants to interact with other petholders or track the everyday life of his pet. Maybe even peope who think about getting a pet. Other stakeholders could be: Vets, petshop owners, travel companies/organizations, appartment renters, pet trainers, nationalparks … – everybody who has any (business) connection with pets. As contact persons we have family members and friends in an offline community.
2. What is the exact problem?
For dog owners (e.g.) it can be difficult to meet other people with dogs – espacially now with Corona-rules – and to have a community for a dog walk or training. There are a few options, but not a perfect one with even other features alltogether, like a map with trips for people going walkies or a checklist for traveling with your pet.
3. Where is your user group interacting with your software?
They could be at home (Desktop, Laptop, Tablet, Smartphone, etc) or en route (Smartphone, etc).
4. When is the user group interacting with your software?
If a user wants to plan a (longer) trip with his pet or just a walkie, he needs our software to do it. Planning can be done everywhere (in front of the TV, on the toilet, waiting in a queue, …). For the tracking tools of our software applies the same, but it is used more often, perhaps on a daily basis (there might be a reminder for doing an entry).
5. Why do your users need this software?
The Planning part with a checklist for traveling with a pet is needed for just that. The users does not need to look in several sources for information, formulars and so on, because he has our software. But even more important (because it is happening more often), is the „finding a community“ part and getting variety in the daily walkies in nearer (?) environment and improve the social life of the users pet.
6. How do you want to solve the problem?
Using an open source map, the users can add routes, mark single locations (Highlights, pet locations, etc) for other people to see. One option is the location – feature, so that the users can find other users on his way.
(for our Reflexion please look at page 2)