Monatsarchiv für Juli 2013
It’s all about us (& canada)
A brief internet article about the JFK-Institute.
Conference: „Actor Networks between Global Markets and the Nation, 1650-1950“
Read or download the official program here.
Department of Politics Blog
FYI: the Department of Politics‘ Blog can be found at: It serves as a platform for research-based commentary and other info, is regularly updated and has a small but growing group of „staff writers,“ affiliated with the department. You are strongly encouraged to leave comments and participate in debates. Please help spread the word! […]
Vital Statistics on Congress
For more than three decades, Vital Statistics on Congress, a joint effort undertaken by Norm Ornstein of the American Enterprise Institute and Tom Mann of Brookings, in collaboration with Michael Malbin of the Campaign Finance Institute, has been a go-to reference guide for Congressional watchers for impartial data on Congress and its members.
FURIOS bespricht JFKI Theaterstücke
Das Campusmagazin der FU war bei den Aufführungen der Theaterstücke von „The Poor Kennedys“ in der vergangenen Woche dabei und offenbar sehr angetan: „Die Premiere der beiden Einakter am Dienstag war ein voller Erfolg (…)“, heißt es da. Für alle die nicht selbst dabei sein konnten, hier der Link zu der Rezension, inklusive einiger Bilder. Außerdem […]
Forschungskolloquium der Abteilungen Kultur und Literatur: Heinrich Detering
Es spricht Heinrich Detering (Georg-August-Universität Göttingen) zum Thema: „some purgatory between heaven and hell“: Bob Dylan, ‚Working Man‘s Blues No.2′“ Donnerstag, 11.07.2013 um 18:15 in Raum 201 des John- F. Kennedy-Instituts.
Vortrag von Carla Peterson (University of Maryland)
Carla Peterson, Gastprofessorin der Graduiertenschule im Herbst 2008, spricht über „Thinking through Family History: Perspective on Race, Class, and Gender in Nineteenth-Century Black Gotham.“ Heute, Montag, 1. Juli.2013, um 18 Uhr im Raum 319 des John-F.-Kennedy-Instituts.