Sound bites (nibbles?) of Prof. Irwin Collier of JFK-I/Economics in the Deutsche Welle program Made in Germany where Angela Merkel, Christine Lagarde, Hillary Clinton and Janet Yellen are discussed. One might need to scroll to find the clip for „Krisenpolitik in Frauenhand“, but it is worth it….(O-Ton deutsch).
Monatsarchiv für September 2013
Student Orientation Days!
The Kennedy Institute has a whole program in store for incoming students: You can download the PDFs (in German or English) here. And send any additional question you may have to: beratung[at]
Seminar rooms needn’t look boring…
A collection of over 200 license plates from the United States and Canada given to the JFK-Institute by FU alumnus Ulrich Finkenbusch now adorns a hitherto blank wall in our newly renovated seminar room 319.