The Official Blog of the John F. Kennedy-Institute for North American Studies

Commentary, Events and Announcements by the JFKI's Departments

Archiv der Kategorie 'General Information'

Updated History Colloquium Schedule

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Sebastian Jobs presents at the History Colloquium

The History Colloquium invites you to attend Sebastian Jobs‘ talk this coming Monday.  We hope to see you there!

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The German Trade-Surplus Debate

Beginning at 1:45 in the Deutsche Welle show „Made in Germany“ of 12 Nov 2013.

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History Colloquium 2013-14

The speaker schedule for the History Colloquium this winter is ready! Click here for a .pdf copy. See you on November 11th!

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In the Sunday Review of The New York Times, I found a piece by Jenna Wortham about the phenomenon of selfies, the media-tech update of the artistic convention of the self-portrait. At one point, rather in passing, the article seems to suggest an understanding of the cultural significance of the selfie that challenges my own […]

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Welcome address by Prof. Irwin Collier to the entering cohorts of BA/MA/Erasmus students

  Monday morning, 10:20 in room 340 of the John-F.-Kennedy Institute for North American Studies the following remarks, indeed titled „RTFM“, were delivered: RTFM Let the Academic Year 2013/14 begin!

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Seminar rooms needn’t look boring…

A collection of over 200 license plates from the United States and Canada given to the JFK-Institute by FU alumnus Ulrich Finkenbusch now adorns a hitherto blank wall in our newly renovated seminar room 319.

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Racial discrimination in housing: A careful study

  June, 2013. Beginning in the late 1970s, the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has rigorously monitored trends in racial and ethnic discrimination in both rental and sales markets approximately once each decade through a series of nationwide paired-testing studies. This summary report presents findings from the fourth such study, which applied paired-testing […]

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50 years ago…

…on NBC’s Meet the Press the guests were Mr. Roy Wilkins and Dr. Martin Luther King. See that broadcast of August 25, 1963  here.

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More on the subject of humanities in education… What is important in this discussion in my opinion is increasing the exposure of everyone to the humanities rather than increasing the share of the educated with a humanities major or concentration, i.e. the value of a liberal education.

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What a coincidence, the educational programs of the JFK-Institute emphasize humanities and social sciences!

  The Heart of the Matter is a report that argues for greater emphasis on the humanities and social science in education. The report can be downloaded at: The report has received the coveted Stephen Colbert bump. Duke University President Richard Brodhead was co-chairman of the commission.

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Introducing Professor Frank Kelleter (link is in German)

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