The Official Blog of the John F. Kennedy-Institute for North American Studies

Commentary, Events and Announcements by the JFKI's Departments

Archiv der Kategorie 'Announcements'

Interdisciplinary Forum at the Graduate School of North American Studies

On Wednesday, February 12, 2014, Boris Vormann will present his project „Theses on Globalization and State-Sponsored Mobilities“. The workshop takes place from 3.00 to 4.30 pm (s.t.) in room 203 of the John F. Kennedy Institute (please note the room change!!).

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Lecture Prof. Dorothee Brantz CANCELLED TONIGHT

Please note: The lecture by Dorothee Brantz, scheduled for tonight (Thursday, Jan. 23) will NOT take place. Updates on a possible postponement of the event will be posted here, as they become available.

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Interdisciplinary Forum at the GSNAS

On Wednesday, January 29, 2014, Anne Nassauer will present her project „Violence and Violent Crime in the United States: Emotional and Interactional Patterns“. The workshop takes place from 3.00 to 4.30 pm (s.t.) in the seminar room of the Graduate School. The Interdisciplinary Forum at the GSNAS is a network of young scholars at the doctoral as well as the […]

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GSNAS: Feierliche Eröffnung des akademischen Jahres 2013/2014

Feierlichee Begrüßung des siebten Doktorandenjahrgangs der Graduiertenschule für Nordamerikastudien des John-F.-Kennedy-Instituts der Freien Universität Berlin am   Festvortrag: Mark Blyth (Brown University)   „Austerity: The History of a Dangerous Idea“ 2. Dezember 2013 um 18 Uhr c.t. Ort: John-F.-Kennedy-Institut Raum 340 Lansstraße 7-9 14195 Berlin Dem Vortrag schließt sich ein Empfang an.

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Lecture cum Seminar with Laurence Rickels

The following seminar announcement just came over „Institutsverteiler“ and may be of interest: . . Friday 15.11 and Saturday 16.11, the first meeting of the new Schlegel Lecture cum Seminar series will take place. For this first meeting, we have invited Laurence Rickels, a psychoanalyst and literary / media theorist known for his work on Nazis, vampires and […]

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Student Orientation Days!

The Kennedy Institute has a whole program in store for incoming students: You can download the PDFs (in German or English) here. And send any additional question you may have to: beratung[at]  

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Neue Datenbanken über die Institutsbibliothek verfügbar

Nutzern der JFK-Instituts Bibliothek stehen ab sofort 5 neue Datenbanken zur Verfügung: Underground and Independent Comics, Comix, and Graphic Novels Die Sammlung enthält Comic-Hefte, Graphic Novels und Serien von 1950 bis heute und die dazugehörige Sekundärliteratur; einschließlich der Zeitschrift „The Comics Journal“. Die Datenbank umfasst auf über 75.000 Seiten das gesamte Spektrum der in Klein- […]

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FURIOS bespricht JFKI Theaterstücke

Das Campusmagazin der FU war bei den Aufführungen der Theaterstücke von „The Poor Ken­ne­dys“ in der vergangenen Woche dabei und offenbar sehr angetan: „Die Pre­miere der bei­den Ein­ak­ter am Diens­tag war ein vol­ler Erfolg (…)“, heißt es da. Für alle die nicht selbst dabei sein konnten, hier der Link zu der Rezension, inklusive einiger Bilder. Außerdem […]

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Introducing the Berlin Journal of North American Studies

The Berlin Journal of North American Studies is a new academic and artistic journal providing a forum for ambitious young scholars to engage in the interdisciplinary topics that form North American Studies. The journal aims to break the barriers separating academics and the fine arts through an exploration and contextualisation of human experience while maintaining […]

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UPCOMING DEADLINE: Call for Papers: The United States in Crisis?

Submissions for the Annual Meeting of the Political Science Section of the German Society for American Studies will be accepted until May 31, 2013. The title of this year’s conference is: The United States in Crisis? Democracy, Politics, Policy, and Political Institutions in an Age of Uncertainty and Risk, …and you can find any and all additional […]

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This is a test of the new JFKI Blog.

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