The State of American Democracy

Research-based Analysis and Commentary by the Department of Politics at the John-F.-Kennedy Institute

Most Underreported Stories 2013

The people over at Moyers and Company have introduced the end-of-year tradition on asking prominent writers, journalists and social scientists what stories were chronically underreported throughout the year. Among the topics: Climate Change, the dismantling of the Voting Rights Act or negotiations on major, global trade agreements such as the TPP.

In the spirit of this tradition, I want to use this forum to pass some of the suggestions on, since it might serve as inspiration for future research/paper/theses. Feel free to comment, in case you would like to add to the list. Which stories do you think the press (US or European) failed to pick up in 2013?


Der Beitrag wurde am Montag, den 6. Januar 2014 um 11:40 Uhr von Curd Knüpfer veröffentlicht und wurde unter The State of the Media abgelegt. Sie können die Kommentare zu diesem Eintrag durch den RSS 2.0 Feed verfolgen. Kommentare und Pings sind derzeit nicht erlaubt.

2 Reaktionen zu “Most Underreported Stories 2013”

  1. Lucas

    Another interesting list of „censored“ stories:

  2. Curd Knüpfer

    Thanks Lucas, this is great!