The State of American Democracy

Research-based Analysis and Commentary by the Department of Politics at the John-F.-Kennedy Institute

Archiv der Kategorie 'Veranstaltungen'

Julia Ott’s Lecture on „Wall Street is Dead! Long Live Wall Street!“

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Ernst Fraenkel Lecture – Prof. Barbara Sinclair

The Political Science Department at the JFKI cordially invites you to attend the upcoming Ernst Fraenkel Lecture Prof. Barbara Sinclair (UCLA): „The Obama Presidency, Congress and the Development of the Party System“ Tuesday, November 13, 2012 at 6 p.m., room 340. Barbara Sinclair has publsihed extensivly on Congress, Political Polarization and law-making in the United […]

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Panel Discussion: Analyzing the Results of the 2012 Election

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JFKI Election Night

The organizers of Tuesday’s election night at the JFKI sent around the following mail yesterday: On November 6, the 57th Presidential Election will take place in the United States. We, the Students Board of the John F. Kennedy Institute at Freie Universität Berlin, would like to invite everybody into the holy realms of our establishment, […]

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Lecture by Robert Entman on „Scandal or Silence: Media Responses to Presidential Misconduct“

Download PDF Verison Robert Entman

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Forschungskolloquium SoSe 2012

colloqSoSe12 (PDF)

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Video Special: Discussion of the Occupy Wall Street Movement in the US

“From the Arab Spring to the American Fall: The Occupy Wall Street Movement in the U.S.” Roundtable discussion with Margit Mayer (4:44), Christian Lammert (15:05), Ben Trott (24:14), and Lora Anne Viola (35:04). Tuesday, November 22th, 2011, room 340 at the John F. Kennedy Institute.

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