Some important information from today’s session

  1. For the first few weeks, the lecture will take place directly in my Webex room – simply go to – please remember to turn off your microphone when you join the room, turn it on only when you want to speak.
  2. If you do not have a place in one of the seminars yet or if you have a place but want to switch to a different seminar, please fill out this form by Friday, 6th November:
  3. Attendance is obligatory in the lecture and in the seminars. You can miss up to three classes without having to tell us or giving us a reason, but please make sure to ask someone you know about what was discussed during class.
  4. The exam for this course will be delivered in the form of one so-called “transfer question” per week, which will be posted on the Blackboard page of the lecture each Friday at 12:00 and must be answered before Monday 14:00. Each question will be graded and your final grade will be the average grade of all your answers, excluding your worst two grades. You may use any resources you want in answering the questions, but you must not discuss it with other students or copy other student’s results.
  5. If you have not been enrolled automatically on Blackboard, please go to “Course Search” and search for “Course ID contains PHILGEIST_V_17308_20W” – when you have found the course, you can self-enroll. Please be patient, the Blackboard system is always slow at the beginning of a new semester.
  6. There will be WhatsApp groups for the individual seminars, where you can connect (your instructors and I will not be members, this is just for you). We will create the groups once we have made sure everyone has a place in one of the seminars.
  7. Follow us on Instagram @fu.linguistics or (if you are a bit old-fashioned) Twitter @structengfu for campus atmosphere, pictures from our home offices, linguistics fun and a sense of community (the woolly socks in the colors of the Freie Universität which I am wearing on today’s picture were handmade for me and are not for sale, sorry).

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