
Neuro* Journal Club at the Free University Berlin

Monatsarchiv für April 2012

No need for cognitive maps in insects?

In many animals the ability to navigate over long distances is an important prerequisite for foraging, including ants and bees. The use of path integration(PI) is widely accepted, however the questions of to what extent the path integration can help navigation and if a higher form of inner global representation called “cognitive map” is really existing […]

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Dopaminergic Modulation of Sucrose Acceptance Behavior in Drosophila

Prof. Jochen Pflüger will present the following paper on Monday (17/04): Marella, S., Mann, K., & Scott, K. (2012). Dopaminergic Modulation of Sucrose Acceptance Behavior in Drosophila Neuron, 73 (5), 941-950 DOI: 10.1016/j.neuron.2011.12.032

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The generation of a memory trace?

Have you seen the movie Inception? If not you should. It is all about a group of people high jacking the dreams of company bosses to steal useful information from their memory to sell them to their rivals. Anyway the Holy Grail of these “being in other peoples head and manipulating things” – trips is […]

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