by Konstantin Hondros Taking place at the Technical University (TU) Berlin on June 28 and 29 2018, Organized Creativity’s 2nd Annual Conference was at the same time the 2nd International Conference of TU’s Research Training Group “Innovation Society Today” (both sponsored by the German Research Foundation DFG). Thus, a collaboration between to research groups […]
Archiv der Kategorie 'Allgemein'
Trying to CREATe some Organized Creativity: Impressions from a research visitor’s month in Glasgow
by Konstantin Hondros This May I had the opportunity to visit CREATe, the center for copyright and new business models in the creative economy, as a research visitor thanks to the Organized Creativity “Young Scholar Exchange Program”. Getting to know the University of Glasgow and CREATe as probably the most renowned research hub concerned with […]
8th Vienna Music Business Research Days: “Unchaining the Digital Music Business”
On September 12th the closed workshop for young scholars took place. Interesting papers from around the world (South Africa, Barbados, Canada, Germany!) showed insights on music festivals, on blockchain technology, on carribean collecting societies and also on virtual worlds ( of music collaboration (Organized Creativity’s doctoral researcher Benjamin Schiemer). We are happy to inform you […]
OC-Project I.2 “Organizing Temporary Copresence to Induce and Cope with Uncertainty in Creative Processes“ of the Research Unit „Organized Creativity“ Presents First Research Findings at Three International Conferences
OC-Project I.2 “Organizing Temporary Copresence to Induce and Cope with Uncertainty in Creative Processes“ of the Research Unit „Organized Creativity“ Presents First Research Findings at Three International Conferences Benjamin Schiemer, Linz, April 24, 2017 1. The presentation “The Messy Socio-spatial Trajectories of Knowledge – Tracing Creative Projects in Pharma and Music” was already held by Alice […]
Invitation: Creativity Conference at University Duisburg-Essen: „Von der Künstlerkritik zur Kritk an der Keativität“, October 12-14, 2017
Invitation: Creativity Conference at University Duisburg-Essen: „Von der Künstlerkritik zur Kritk an der Keativität“, October 12-14, 2017 Berlin/Innsbruck/Duisburg-Essen, April 7, 2017 Date: October 12-14, 2017 Call for Papers: May 31, 2017 Place: Kulturwissenschaftliches Institut Essen (KWI), Goethestraße 31, 45128 Essen The conference aims to bring together interdisciplinary perspectives on the topics of creativity and projectification […]
Lecture Announcement: OC-Project „Regulatory Uncertainty“ will present first research findings at international conferences
The Organized Creativity Project I.4 „Organizing Creativity under Regulatory Uncertainty: Challenges of Intellectual Property“ will be represented at two international conferences: Berlin/Innsbruck/Duisburg-Essen, April 6, 2017 1. with Lectures at 29th Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE) Annual Meeting, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 – Campus Rockefeller, Lyon, France, June 29 – July 1, 2017 […]
Lecture Announcement: OC-Project „Secrecy“ will present first research findings at international conferences
The Organized Creativity Project I.3 „Secrecy as Organizing Uncertainty in Creative Processes“ will be represented at two international conferences: Berlin/Frankfurt O., March 29, 2017 1. with Keynote-Lecture by Prof. Jana Costas, Ph.D. (European University Viadrina, Germany) at 9th Annual Global Advances in Business and Communication Conference, University of Antwerp, Mai 22–24, 2017. Title: „Secrecy at […]
How is Creativity Governed? An Illustration from the Music Industry
How is Creativity Governed? An Illustration from the Music Industry Gregory Jackson/Tobias Theel, Berlin, March 23, 2017 How is creative collaboration in the music industry governed? Creativity is not merely an individual process of a lone genius, but often an outcome of socially embedded collaboration (e.g. Sawyer 2007; 2012). Yet the idea of organizing a […]
First Conference Presentations and Publications
First Conference Presentations and Publications Berlin, March 10, 2017 Four papers with first results from our joint research have been accepted for presentation at leading international conferences such as those of the American Association of Geographers (AAG) in Boston, USA, and the European Groups of Organization Studies (EGOS) in Copenhagen, Denmark. A paper on “Studying […]
Follow Organized Creativity on ResearchGate
Organized Creativity on ResearchGate Berlin, Mar 6, 2017 Creativity is widely understood as the generation of novel and valuable ideas. Drawing on empirical comparisons of an arts-based and a science-based field, both of which are in turmoil because of disruptive economic, technological and regulatory changes, this research unit seeks to contribute to the development of […]