[A#1, P2] Foodie

Who is your user group?

Our user group includes cooking enthusiasts who like to minimize their waste of leftover cooking ingredients and need some food inspiration as well as some help to organize the weekly shopping list. Stakeholders might be grocery stores, cookbook authors and publishers.

What is the exact problem?

It is difficult to use leftover cooking ingredients without having a matching recipe. Another challenge is to find the time to think about possible recipes due to work or study time restrictions. People with allergies or people who follow a specific diet have to manually filter out certain ingredients

Where is your user group interacting with your software?

Mostly at home, but it’s also possible to interact with the software while they are on their way home or to the supermarket.

When is the user group interacting with your software?

During meal planning.

Why do your users need this software? Why is that interesting?

Now that a lot of people are working or studying from home the need of having home cooked meals increases. However, many don’t have a lot of different recipes in their repertoire so the need to find different recipes increases. Many apps have countless recipes which means it can be hard to choose exactly the one you want, and it gets even more frustrating if after choosing one you see that one of the main ingredients is exactly the one you are allergic to or aren’t allowed to use based on your current diet.

How do you want to solve the problem?

We want to create a mobile app that provides the user with recipe ideas, that can be filtered by ingredients they already have at home and ingredients they don’t want in their meal. The app also supports the user by automatically creating a shopping list for all the chosen meals while excluding the ingredients that are already available. 

Autor: Janis Krzok

Bachelor Student

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