Assignment #3: Conceptual Model for User & Context

?   Deadline: Monday, 10th May 12 PM (noon)
?   Goals: Defining conceptual models for the user and context: Persona, scenario, and use cases.

This assignment requires you to develop a persona, scenario, and use cases. Building on that, we will wrap up by (re)framing the problem statement and hypothesis statement using predefined formats during the next lab session.

  1. Analyze your (qualitative) data using affinity diagramming
    • Conserve your clustering results, so you can go back to them if you need or extend them later on.
    • Document your process, by saving pictures (screenshots) of different stages of clustering.
  2. Derive a primary persona from your data-gathering insights
    • Use one of the examples from the lecture slides as a template (or get inspired by the tools below).
    • Be visual, a picture is mandatory! (Do not forget to specify the image source.)
  3. [OPTIONAL] Derive an extreme character from your data-gathering insights
    • To make life easier (faster) you can choose to make a Proto-Persona.
    • Be visual, a picture is mandatory! (Do not forget to specify the image source.)
  4. Create a scenario
    • Use the example from the lecture (03-3, page 6) as a template.
    • Highlight what and where.
  5. Model two Use Cases with UML
    • You can always do more if this is relevant to your project.
  6. If you think you need to do more data gathering – go for it!
    • Please document your data gathering methods.

Tools and Templates for creating personas

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