‚Wizard of Oz‘ Prototyping

The ‚Wizard of Oz‘ Prototype describes a prototype where a user tests only a simulation of planned functions. It enables to test functions of a product that has not yet been implemented and is used in agile software development.

To simulate unimplemented functions, a simple prototype, an user that interacts with the prototype and a human who performs the tasks given by the user are needed. Role playing is then used to test how the end user interacts with the product. The goal is to save time and money while finding out if a feature is useful and needed.


  • Covers the complete functionality
  • Is fully interactive
  • Cheap method to test functionality


Interaction with the prototype is perhaps not technically realizable in the final product itself.


Wizard of Oz prototype, https://www.designthinking-methods.com/en/5Testen/wizardofOzTE.html, retrieved on 04. Mai 2021, 13:00
Definition Wizard of Oz prototype, https://searchcio.techtarget.com/definition/Wizard-of-Oz-prototyping, retrieved on 04. Mai 2021, 13:00
Müller-Birn, C., Lecture 04-02 | Iterative Design and Prototyping
| Slide 16

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