[A#4, P5] Sleepy Heads – Ideation & Storyboard


Who did what?

Tanita created the blog post. We worked together on a shared document (Google presentations) for the problem and hypothesis statement as well as for the BPMN diagram.

At the beginning we all created individual moodboards and presented them in front of the others. Then we created a new moodboard together. (With Google Jam)

We created individual sketches and discussed them later. The Storyboard was created together via a shared document (Google Jam).

What have we learned?

We had to learn how to create a BPMN diagram, so we spent a lot of time on that.

What went well?

After we discussed our sketches, we realised that we all used a similar style for them, what made it easy to create the storyboard.

In general, group work works very smoothly for us and we have fun working on the tasks.

What do we want to improve?

Nothing, as always we are happy with our results.

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