[A#5, P5] Sleepy Heads – First interactive low-fidelity prototype


Who did what?

Yasemin created the blog post. We worked together using Figma for the prototype and Google Slides for the design rationales.

What have we learned?

We learnt more about the software Figma, as some of us were not familiar with the particular software.

We also found out about some points worth discussing in our design and prototype plans while creating the design rationales, thanks to the questions we came up with. We’re interested in solving these points in the best way possible.

What went well?

We worked in sync while creating the prototype pages and as always, working together was a pleasure.

What do we want to improve?

In future prototyping sessions we would like to improve the user experience of our design so that the button icons reflect their functions in the best way possible and maybe also improve the colour scheme.

Overall, we are still happy with our results.

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