Assignment #7: Starting High Fidelity Prototyping (First Iteration)

?   Deadline: Monday, 14th June 12 PM (noon)
 ?   Goals: Make a plan on how to build your high-fidelity prototype and start building it.

We now start working on the Hifi-Prototypes and start building an interactive product.

  1. What framework or tools are you going to use? Why?
  2. List your functional and non-functional requirements (features) you are planning to include in your High-Fidelity Prototype.
  3. We now have 6 weeks left for our projects. Produce a detailed timeline (e.g., a Gantt-chart or similar) of jobs that need to be done and milestones that need to be reached starting from today.
  4. Start building your prototype.

Please answer the following question: How did you handle the topics: menu, UI consoles, and Design patterns?

  • What menu type did you choose and why?
  • Which UI controls are appropriate for your application and why?
  • Which design patterns are suitable for your application and which ones have you implemented or used? Why?

Hint: During the next lab session (in two weeks), we want to test your prototype using a Heuristic Evaluation. The concept of a heuristic evaluation gets introduced next week.

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