
A menu presented on a computer is a list of options, that can be used be the user of a system. Options can also have suboptions, which can be displayed in a submenu. Menus can be be a part of a complex user interface or be the whole user interface. There can be permanent and pop-up menus. Pop-up menus e.g. are often found in the menu bar of programs which is located at the top of a windows or screen.

Pop-up menu | Texteditor Fedora (own screenshot)
Permanent menu | Settings Fedora (own screenshot)

With a help of an input device, such as a touchscreen or a mice, the user can navigate through the menu and search from a constraint list of choices. Because of this, user don’t need to remember commands and only have to recognize the given choices.


Müller-Birn, C., Lecture 07-02 | Interaction Styles | Slide 10 & 11

Wikipedia,, retrieved on 01. June 2021, 12:00

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