[A#7, P5] Starting High Fidelity Prototyping


Our high-fidelity prototype: https://www.figma.com/proto/uyswzIlrEDZOnSqmzk08te/Sleepy-Heads-HiFi-Prototype?node-id=17%3A11&scaling=scale-down&page-id=0%3A1

What menu type did you choose and why?

We are using grid menus across our app and on some pages these are also scrollable (Relaxation methods and Sleep sounds). This kind of menu is easy to access because of its format and the options are big enough to be selected by touch controls.

In later Iterations we want to add a slide menu for additional options, like settings for notification.

Which UI controls are appropriate for your application and why?

We need and use data entry controls because the main purpose of our app is to collect data. Examples are writing down dreams, the option to record sleep times and the option to rate sleep.

Selection controls are also necessary because the user will have to make decisions and choose from existing data. Examples are turning the sleep audio recording on/off, choosing a sleep timer for the music and to select sleep factors before going to sleep.

Of course there also have to be navigation controls which is primarily the dashboard and later the slide menu too.

Which design patterns are suitable for your application and which ones have you implemented or used? Why?

We used the Material Design from Google because it looks most native to android systems. Figma offers predefined design kits and we were lucky to find one for Material: https://www.figma.com/community/file/880534892514982400

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