[A#8, P7] Heuristic Evaluation

1) Continue to improve your high-fidelity prototype.

Our prototype was already almost ready to test. We only fixed a few errors and then called it done.

2) Conduct the first and second phases of a heuristic evaluation

Phase 1: Prepare

Phase 2: Evaluate (Individual Inspection)

The results of our individual evaluation are available here.

We tested the prototype of group Scenic Route and found violations in most categories. Most of the violations we found were of severity 3. We used the tasks from their assignment submission for our evaluation.

The descriptions of our violations and the Screenshots can be found at the bottom of the survey above.

We used screenshots-Chrome AddOn for screenshots.

A summary of important issues can be found here.


Who made what contribution?

We discussed the tasks and Phase 1 together and the split up to do Phase 2 individually. Clemens wrote this blogpost.

What did you learn?

We improved our skills with Google Forms again and now know how to create multiple pages. It was also interesting to use the Figma prototypes of others as that gave us a better understanding on how we should adjust our prototype.

What went well?

Communication with the team again went well. Again, we are also happy with the direction that we are going to with the prototype and look forward to the feedback of other groups.

What would you like to improve?

We would like to improve the prototype further as it does not look as good as it could be.

Autor: Clemens Mosig

Trying to understand the Internet at day and cycling at night.

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