Assignment #9 – Preparation of a summative evaluation

?   Deadline: Tuesday, 6th July 12 PM (noon, two weeks)
 ?   Goals: Improve your prototype, by fixing usability issues found during heuristic evaluation and prepare for the last round of usability testing.

(1) Improve your high-fidelity prototype

Now there are two weeks left to improve your prototype, to fix found usability issues or implement new features.

  1. Choose the biggest problem found during the last heuristic evaluation and answer the following questions:
    • Why is this the biggest problem for your users?
    • How will you solve it?
    • How do you expect the user will behave, after the problem is solved?
  2. Decide what usability issues you are going to fix in your prototype and what features you are going to implement next.

(2) Preparation for a summative evaluation

On Tuesday, 6th of July, we will conduct (online, sorry for that!) usability tests during the time of the lab/exercise. There will be guests invited from the Human-centered Computing (HCC) research group, who will function as usability test participants. Please prepare for this test session accordingly. We will have three test sessions per group. A test session lasts about 35 minutes.

  1. Please recall your experience and takeaways from your first testing session (Assignment #6):
    What are things you would like to do differently this time?
  2. Prepare all documents (script, consent form, …) you will need during the test session:
    What documents do you need?
  3. This time, you will measure the effectiveness using the task completion rate. Please use the provided template (PDF, see below).
  4. This time, you will also measure the satisfaction of users, by using a post-task or post-test questionnaire. Please choose independently what suits your project.
    Which standardized questionnaire did you choose and why?
  5. Document your preparation.

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