[A#9, P8] Preparation of a summative evaluation

II. Reflection

Wer hat welchen Beitrag geleistet?

Ina took care of subtask 1 and created detailed task description (script) as well as the formulation of declaration of agreement. Brendan prepared the necessary documents (what documents we need and the templates). Xin Yu was responsible for the satisfation questionnaire as well as blogpost writing.

Was habt ihr gelernt?

First of all, we learned how to exctly formulate a task for user to complete. For example, in our Assignment 6 LoFi Testing, we somehow formulated the tasks as „please make yourself familiar with the design“ „get to know the function create an account“ etc. Those formulations are with no explicitely formulated task goals which will cause confusion of the users.

Otherwise we also learned how to measure user satisfaction and got to know a variety of standardized questionnaires. By doing the assignment, we did some research regarding how to choose the suitable questionnaire and was able to apply the method for choosing our own tool.

Was lief gut?

It ran generally good, since this assignment can be compared to Assignment 6 so that we already had some positive/negative experience from previous usability testing and kind of knew where we should pay attention to for the new assignment.

Was möchtet ihr verbessern?

The cross team communication could be improved, since as we wrote in task 1, we were unable to contact group 4 in mattermost (tbh, I only had negative experience with mattermost, the notification alert seems never worked), and they didn’t post their answer to assignment 8 in the blogpost, so that we were even unable to check their blogpost to view the heuristic evaluation result from them.

Autor: Xin Yu

Master in Wirtschaftsinformatik.

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