[A#9, P8] Preparation of a summative evaluation

I. Assignments

(1) Improve your high-fidelity prototype

Gruppe 4 hatte nicht ihr Google Form, also ihr Feedback, im letzten Blogbeitrag verlinkt bzw. ihr Feedback im Blogpost beschrieben. Wir konnten Gruppe 4 leider nicht über Mattermost erreichen, weshalb wir leider nicht ihr Feedback einarbeiten konnten.

(2) Preparation for a summative evaluation

1. Please recall your experience and takeaways from your first testing session (#Assignment 6)

Wir möchten uns stärker an unser Skript als in Assignment 6 halten, da unsere Interviews alle sehr verschieden geworden sind(zumindestens der Sprechteil des Moderators)

2. Prepare all documents (script, consent form, …) you will need during the test session:

a. Für die Verwendung und Auswertung der gesammelten Daten, brauchen Wir eine Eigenständigkeitserklärung. Wir haben eine Online Format als Vorlage genommen.

b. Ein Skript für die Einführung durch den Moderator. Das Meiste konnten wir von unserem alten Skript übernehmen, da es gut funktioniert hatte. Wir müssen aber die Aufgaben erneut formulieren, da die Aufgabe konkret mit einem bestimmten Ziel ausformuliert werden soll.

c. Ein Consent Format für TeilnehmerInnen.

3. This time, you will measure the effectiveness using the task completion rate.

We just take the provided Observation Coding Form from HCC Group.

4.This time, you will also measure the satisfaction of users, by using a post-task or post-test questionnaire.

We plan to take UEQ for measuring the satisfaction of users. Here are our considerations:

(1) We prefer a post-test questionnaire, since the full process from create account task to log out task is a complete user journey on our web application, which cannot be seperately measured. Lack of any single task will make the user journey incomplete and will make the satisfaction evaluation unreliable. The usage of social play is based on a smoothly enjoyable gaming evening, which consists of several tasks to be completed through our web application. But the usage process will be interrupted by task-level satisfaction assessment. And since all task satisfaction level together account for the general usage of social game, we decided to use post-test satisfaction questionnaire.

(2) Between different standardized measurements we prefer SUS, UEQ and AttrakDiff2 in terms of their reliability and widely usage. We first don‘t want to choose questionnaire with too many questions, since we are afraid that those questionnaires will cause implatiency of participants. Compared to SUS, UEQ and AttrakDiff2 measures satisfaction on a more well-round level with different dimenstions. But AttrakDiff2 has a strong focus on hedonistic quality, which is not our main purpose, we therefore choose UEQ for our satisfaction measurement.

The questionnaire can be reached by scanning the QR Code:

We made a google form questionnaire used the standard questionnaire provided by UEQ. The QR code is then self-made using the onling platform QR-Code Monkey.

5. Document preparation.

We document the preparation as by using the assignment questions.

Autor: Xin Yu

Master in Wirtschaftsinformatik.

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