Bitmap Display

Bitmap Display describes a display where each pixel corresponds directly to one bit in the video memory. A more loose and more frequently definition of a bitmap display is that each pixel corresponds directly to one or more bits in the video memory. A problem of bitmap displays are jaggies, which is fixed by anti-aliasing in more modern displays.

Aspects of a display:

Color depth: The amount of possible colors for one pixel. Today, around 24 or 32 bits/pixel are used so a variety of colors is possible to use.

Resolution: The visual dimension of a display. This describes how clearly visual content is displayed. Typical resolutions are 720p, 1080p, 1440p, 4K and 8K.

Aspect ratio: Ratio between width and height, e.g. 4:3, 16:9 and 21:9.


Müller-Birn, C., Lecture „06_HCI_Considering_the_Computer_and_its_Input-Output_Devices“

What Is Monitor Resolution? Resolutions and Aspect Ratios Explained,, visited 30.05.21

What is Bitmapped Display?,, visited 30.05.21

bitmap display,, visited 30.05.21

Memory Retrieval

Retrieval describes the process of remembering information from the long-term memory. There are three ways to retrieve information: recall, recognition and relearning.

Recall describes the access of information without cues. In other words: Not by sensory input but by brain activity. Thus to recall information correctly, coordination and time is needed.

Example: A journalist writes a column about a specific topic that they have a lot of knowledge about.

Recognition describes the identification of already learned information by sensory input. This means that the information is retrieved when encountering it again.

Example: A person sees their favorite food from childhood and immediately remembers how they ate it as a child.

Relearning describes learning of information that one already has learned in the past.

Example: A person picks up a language again that they have learned in school and is able to learn it again quite quickly.


Müller-Birn, C., Lecture „05-2 HCI Human Memory“

Introduction to Psychology: Module 7: Memory: Retrieval,, visited 21.05.21

[A#4, P8] Ideation and Storyboard

  1. Problem and hypothesis statement


Max needs a way to easily choose board games online with his friends because they changed their board game nights to remote board game nights because of the pandemic and are not very accustomed to the online board games. We will know this to be true when we see: The group can choose a board game according to their interests in a short amount of time. 


We believe that by creating a web application that includes a filter and recommendation system for online board games for Max, we will achieve that Max and his friends will have less stress and frustration during their remote board game nights.

2. Task flow with BPMN

Our task flow with BPMN starting from when user has logged in until he/she logs out.
The task flow was created with

Why did we decide to do a task flow with BPMN?

We chose BPMN because the task flow gives us a good overview over the activity order of a user in our web application. Moreover, we chose BPMN because we find it very clear and easy to understand without any unnecessary details. It therefore helps us to focus on the essential aspects of our idea for further steps in our project.

3. Moodboard

Our moodboard. We worked a lot with pictures that we think create certain atmospheres that we also want to have for our application later.
We created the moodboard with

4.-5. Sketches

An individual sketch of how the filter system for the board games might look like.
Another individual sketch of how the filter system might look like.

We decided to keep the sidebar with the video chat from the first sketch and the prediction of how closely the shown game matches the filters from the second sketch.
A sketch of how an embedded board game might look like.
Another sketch of how an embedded board game might look like.
And another sketch of how an embedded board game might look like.

We decided to keep the sidebar with the video chat from the second sketch for the embedded board games as it seemed to us the most useful for different types of games.

6. Storyboard

The first page of our storyboard.
The second page of our storyboard.


Wer hat welchen Beitrag geleistet?

Wir haben in Gruppenarbeit die Aufgaben bearbeitet, also haben wir alle zusammen bearbeitet. Da wir für alles shared documents verwendet haben, konnten wir so gut gemeinsam Texte schreiben und das Moodboard, den Task flow erstellen. So haben wir sichergestellt, dass wirklich immer alle ihre Ideen mit einfließen lassen konnten. Für die individuellen Aufgaben haben wir uns jeweils einen Tag Zeit gelassen und uns dann erneut getroffen, um die Ergebnisse zu besprechen. Wir hatten uns entschlossen, dass Ina das Storyboard zeichnet, da wir das Layout am vielsagensten fanden. Wir haben davor besprochen, wie das Storyboard aussehen soll und sie hat nach der Fertigstellung es nochmal mit uns besprochen, sodass wir noch kleinere Änderungen zusammen umsetzen konnten.

Was habt ihr gelernt?

Wir haben unser Wissen über die Darstellung von Task Flows mit BPMN vertieft. Außerdem haben wir gelernt, unsere Idee auf die wesentlichen Aspekte runterzubrechen, damit sowohl der Task Flow als auch das Storyboard auf eine klare (und im Fall des Storyboards sehr bildliche) Weise die Funktionen unseres Projekts darstellt.

Was lief gut?

Da wird diesmal erst individuelle Ansätze erarbeiten mussten für das Moodboard und die Sketches, mussten wir diese schließlich auch gegenseitig beurteilen um auf gemeinsame Nenner zu kommen. Das lief sehr gut, da wir alle sehr konstruktive Kritik gegeben haben, die unsere Idee weitergebracht hat.

Was möchtet ihr verbessern?

Wir haben erst bei dem gemeinsamen Treffen uns die Aufgaben durchgelesen und gesehen, dass individuelle Arbeit nötig ist. Deshalb fänden wir es hilfreich, wenn wir die Aufgabe schon vorher durchlesen würden in Zukunft, um mögliche individuelle Arbeit schon vorher zu erledigen und sie so direkt besprechen zu können.