Gemeinsame Ringvorlesung der Zentralinstitute Osteuropa-Institut und John-F.-Kennedy-Institut für Nordamerikastudien beginnt am 15. Oktober 2015 Nr. 304/2015 vom 12.10.2015 (via FU Pressestelle) Das Ende des Ost-West-Konflikts vor 25 Jahren, die damit verbundenen Erfahrungen und Herausforderungen stehen im Mittelpunkt einer Ringvorlesung ab dem 15. Oktober an der Freien Universität Berlin. Zum Auftakt der in englischer und deutscher […]
Archiv der Kategorie 'Announcements'
Conference Announcement: American Exceptionalism Revisited
Topic: American Exceptionalism RevisitedAnnual Meeting of the Political Science Section of the German Association for American Studies (GAAS) Date: Friday, 13th-Saturday, 14th November 2015 Description: From the very beginning America has considered herself as a nation with a mission, and John Winthrop’s (1630) „city upon a hill“ as the sacred Urtext of „American Exceptionalism“ permeates […]
Workshop: Political Art and the Aesthetic-Political
Political Art and the Aesthetic-Political International Workshop June 12-13, 2015, JFKI, Room 319 Conveners: Thomas Greven (FU Berlin), Robert Pirro (Georgia Southern University), Jasper Trautsch (University of Regensburg) Friday, June 12 2:00pm – 4pm Panel 1: Film and TV Chair: Robert Pirro (Georgia Southern University) William Glass (University of Warsaw): Conservative Means to Feminist […]
New Website JRG „Fictions of Management: American Naturalism and Managerial Culture, 1875-1925“
The Dahlem International Network Junior Research Group “American Literature and Managerialism, 1875-1925” is proud to announce its new website. Under you’ll find information on its members, their projects, as well as past and upcoming events.
Call for Papers: GSNAS International Conference 2015
Alliances Un/Common Causes and the Politics of Participation May 7–9, John F. Kennedy Institute, Freie Universität Berlin Seventy years after the United States aligned themselves with the Soviet Union to move together against Nazi Germany, unusual alliances continue to shift power relations and fundamentally transform our societies. Born out of crises, such upheavals often extend […]
Ringvorlesung: Trust
PDF: RVL _Trust_ 14_15 Programm_neu
Institute Newsletter: Now Available
Die mittlerweile 17. Ausgabe des JFKI Newsletters enthält viele interessante Informationen zu den Aktivitäten der einzelnen Departments und der Mitarbeiter des Instituts – die Lektüre bietet somit einen Überblick zu den wichtigsten Neuigkeiten, sowie einen Rückblick über das vergangene Sommersemester. In diesem Semester wurde der Newsletter von Florian Sedlmeier und Markus Kienscherf zusammengestellt; das Layout stammt von Jasper […]
Lecture and exhibition opening: Audre Lorde – The Berlin Years
June 19, 2014, 6 pm, room 340, John F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies A joint event of the Women’s Representative and the Library of the John F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies Audre Lorde, afro-american author, feminist and civil rights activist, taught in 1984 as a guest professor at the John F. […]
Interdisciplinary Forum at the Graduate School of North American Studies
Talel Ben Jemia: „Agent of Desire (?) – The Hustler and the Themes of Gay Identity Formation in American Film“ The workshop will take place on Wednesday, April 23, 2014, from 3.00 to 4.30 pm (s.t.) in the seminar room of the Graduate School. The Interdisciplinary Forum at the GSNAS is a network of young scholars […]