The Official Blog of the John F. Kennedy-Institute for North American Studies

Commentary, Events and Announcements by the JFKI's Departments

Archiv der Kategorie 'Department of Economics'

Speech by Professor Irwin Collier

Given November 26, 2016 at the annual Graduation Ceremony of the John-F.-Kennedy Institute for North American Studies of Freie Universität Berlin. 20161126_JFKI_graduation

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DW-TV Quadriga. Trump vs. Clinton.

Talk-Runde DW-TV Quadriga vom 09.06.2016. Quadriga – Trump vs Clinton – Wut gegen Establishment? Es ist das politische Duell des Jahres. Donald Trump und Hillary Clinton sind die Kandidaten Ihrer Parteien für die amerikanischen Präsidentschaftswahlen. Irwin Collier ist Amerikaner und Wirtschaftsprofessor an der Freien Universität Berlin. Malte Lehming ist Leiter der Meinungsseite beim Tagesspiegel. Sabine […]

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Trump winning Nevada…Deutsche Welle interview with Prof. Irwin Collier

Segment on Donald Trump’s victory in the Nevada caucuses starts at 1:12.    

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Remarks on Trigger-Warnings and Safe-Spaces

Link to speech of Prof. Irwin Collier, Ph.D. to the recent graduates of the John-F.-Kennedy Institute at the celebration held November 28, 2015 at the Henry-Ford-Building of Freie Universität.

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Prof. Irwin Collier of the JFK-Institute Department of Economics launches his blog

Thanks to a research grant from the Institute for New Economic Thinking, Irwin Collier has undertaken several „archival expeditions“ to collect material for his project in the history of economics that focuses on the development of the graduate economics education at Columbia, Chicago and Harvard in the first half of the 20th century. In this blog he is […]

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Robert Dimand on „Mabel Timlin and the Transformation of Canadian Economics.“

In cooperation with the Embassy of Canada to Germany, the John F. Kennedy Institute presents a lecture by Prof. Robert Dimand of Brock University (Ontario) on „Mabel Timlin and the Transformation of Canadian Economics.“ Prof. Dimand is a visiting Professor of the Graduate School of North American Studies.   Mabel Timlin (1891-1976), author of Keynesian […]

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Die Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften am JFK-I – Das Jahr 1914 in den USA

Unter dem Motto: Come to America! Wir laden ein, in die Welt und Kultur der USA von 1914 einzutauchen hat das Institut am 28.06.2014 an der Langen Nacht teilgenommen, diesmal organisiert von der Abteilung Geschichte, der Abteilung Wirtschaft und der Bibliothek.  Das Jahr 1914 war „ein ganz normales Jahr“ in den USA: modern und rückwärtsgewandt […]

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Krisenpolitik in Frauenhand Sound bites (nibbles?) of Prof. Irwin Collier of JFK-I/Economics in the Deutsche Welle program Made in Germany where Angela Merkel, Christine Lagarde, Hillary Clinton and Janet Yellen are discussed. One might need to scroll to find the clip for „Krisenpolitik in Frauenhand“, but it is worth it….(O-Ton deutsch).      

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Vital Statistics on Congress

For more than three decades, Vital Statistics on Congress, a joint effort undertaken by Norm Ornstein of the American Enterprise Institute and Tom Mann of Brookings, in collaboration with Michael Malbin of the Campaign Finance Institute, has been a go-to reference guide for Congressional watchers for impartial data on Congress and its members.  

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This is a test of the new JFKI Blog.

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