The Official Blog of the John F. Kennedy-Institute for North American Studies

Commentary, Events and Announcements by the JFKI's Departments

April 28 Workshop on Using US Archives


Interdisciplinary Forum at the Graduate School of North American Studies

Talel Ben Jemia:

„Agent of Desire (?) – The Hustler and the Themes of Gay Identity Formation in American Film“

The workshop will take place on

Wednesday, April 23, 2014, from 3.00 to 4.30 pm (s.t.)

in the seminar room of the Graduate School.

The Interdisciplinary Forum at the GSNAS is a network of young scholars at the doctoral as well as the postdoctoral level and hosts workshops in which members present and discuss their work. Their research shares a focus on the North American continent and related transnational fields of research, such as transatlantic relations or the Pacific Rim. The network consists of researchers with different disciplinary backgrounds including cultural studies, political science, sociology, literary studies, economics, and history. This interdisciplinary approach is part of a conscious effort to overcome disciplinary divisions in order to enrich critical thinking and rearticulate our modes of interrogation and analysis.

JFKI Flickr Fotostream

Be sure to check out the JFK Institute’s very own Flickr Fotostream, where Prof. Wenzel regularly posts photos of various events. Recent additions include the 50-year anniversary celebrations and the 2013 graduation party. See if you can spot yourself. Or otherwise just enjoy how great our institute looks in hi-res (..not sure if this is the right term. The photos are pretty great is what I mean to say). Enjoy:

Interdisciplinary Forum at the Graduate School of North American Studies

On Wednesday, February 12, 2014, Boris Vormann will present his project
„Theses on Globalization and State-Sponsored Mobilities“.

The workshop takes place from 3.00 to 4.30 pm (s.t.) in room 203 of the John
F. Kennedy Institute (please note the room change!!).

Urania Vortrag: Prof. (em.) Carl-Ludwig Holtfrerich



Urania Berlin e. V.
An der Urania 17
10787 Berlin


Prof. Dr. Carl-Ludwig Holtfrerich, em. Professor der Volkswirtschaftslehre, John-F.-Kennedy-Institut für Nordamerikastudien, FU Berlin

Zehn Mythen zur Staatsverschuldung

Drei Vorgänge haben die öffentliche Debatte über das schon lange virulente Streitthema Staatsschulden angeheizt: die weltweite Explosion der Staatsverschuldung als Folge der schweren Finanz- und Wirtschaftskrise 2007/08, die davon nicht unabhängige Verankerung der „Schuldenbremse“ im Grundgesetz der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 2009 und die Schuldenkrise einiger Eurostaaten seit 2010. Sind aber die Annahmen und Einschätzungen, dass Staatsschulden etwas Schlechtes sind – wie sie mehrheitlich von den Medien, politischen Entscheidungsträgern und auch von Wissenschaftlern vertreten werden – wirklich zutreffend? Diskutieren Sie mit Prof. Holtfrerich zehn Mythen der Staatsverschuldung!

Alyn Euritt at the History Colloquium

Euritt Poster

Young Scholars Initiative / Institute for New Economic Thinking to host Prof. Collier

On Thursday, January 30. at 7 pm, Professor Collier will give a talk on:

The Origin of the Graduate Canon in the United States

The event will take place at Campus Schöneberg, Badensche Str. 50-51, Haus B, room 5.12.

Additional info is available here.

Lecture Prof. Dorothee Brantz CANCELLED TONIGHT

Please note: The lecture by Dorothee Brantz, scheduled for tonight (Thursday, Jan. 23) will NOT take place. Updates on a possible postponement of the event will be posted here, as they become available.

Interdisciplinary Forum at the GSNAS

On Wednesday, January 29, 2014, Anne Nassauer will present her project

„Violence and Violent Crime in the United States: Emotional and Interactional Patterns“.

The workshop takes place from 3.00 to 4.30 pm (s.t.) in the seminar room of the Graduate School.

The Interdisciplinary Forum at the GSNAS is a network of young scholars at the doctoral as well as the postdoctoral level and hosts workshops in which members present and discuss their work. Their research shares a focus on the North American continent and related transnational fields of research, such as transatlantic relations or the Pacific Rim. The network consists of researchers with different disciplinary backgrounds including cultural studies, political science, sociology, literary studies, economics, and history. This interdisciplinary approach is part of a conscious effort to overcome disciplinary divisions in order to enrich critical thinking and rearticulate our modes of interrogation and analysis.

Public lecture on political action to continue the work of Martin Luther King

Screen Shot 2014-01-17 at 12.19.00 PM

Matthias Jauch at the History Colloquium

Jauch Poster

John Woitkowitz at the History Colloquium

Woitkowitz Poster