[A#3, P5] Sleepy Heads – Conceptual Model for User & Context

Primary Persona

For this task we used a template from Creately
The photo is from the following website: This Person Does Not Exist

This is our final result:


Based on our persona we created a scenario.
We also highlighted in this text the questions What and Where.

When Andy comes home from work he always spends some time with his children. After bringing them to bed he checks his stock market investments. While doing that he always forgets the time therefore he gets a push notification from his mobile phone that reminds him to go to sleep.
When he sees the notification he prepares to go to bed. In bed he opens his mobile application to look up methods for relaxation and chooses one of them that he will follow.
After he is finished with that he now chooses a lullaby in order to sleep and tells the application that he is going to sleep. The app will now begin to track his movements while sleeping.
Andy wakes up in the morning and he suddenly remembers an interesting dream he had. He directly wants to write it down in the mobile application while he is still in bed. Furthermore he wants to know if he talked at night and checks if there are any recordings for the night. This time there are no recordings which explains why his wife looks so rested.
Just before he closes the application he is reminded to rate how well rested he feels that day. The fact that he felt quite rested that day makes him wonder how his sleep graph looked last night. After seeing this graph he realizes that he spent a pretty long time in a deep sleep phase, now he understands why he feels so good and is ready to conquer his day!

UML- Use Cases

For this task we focused on two functions that the user can do with our mobile application: One that he can do at night (here: searching for a relaxation method) and one after he wakes up (here: to be reminded to log his sleep and the process of sleep logging).

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