[A#3, P5] Sleepy Heads – Conceptual Model for User & Context


Who did what?

Angelika created the blog post. We all worked together at the tasks either on a shared document or via screen sharing and used Discord as our communication channel.

What have we learned?

We learned in-depth on how to use the method affinity diagramming. We found out that this method is very useful for analyzing and sorting our data.
While working on our tasks we often looked up certain information on our affinity diagram and because of the different categories and headlines that we had, it was quite simpler to search for the different informations.
Also we refreshed our knowledge from the module software engineering by creating two UML- use cases. On this task we were unsure at certain aspects and searched through our old learning material.

What went well?

During the tasks we discussed quite a lot about our informations that we gathered and because of that we got a deeper understanding on how our mobile application may look like or rather how we could separate some functions to sub-functions.

What do we want to improve?

Nothing, we are completely happy with our results.

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