The Official Blog of the John F. Kennedy-Institute for North American Studies

Commentary, Events and Announcements by the JFKI's Departments

History of modern economics: 12 April 1976 in Cambridge, MA.

The late Jerry Goodman wrote about his experience receiving the bicentennial Invisible Hand Award at a roast sponsored by the Graduate Students of the MIT economics department. His ghost-writers were Paul Krugman and Irwin Collier (JFK-Institute), whom he refers to as the Mel Brooks and Carl Reiner of advanced and arcane economics.  If the shoe fits…

Needless to say, graduate school was not just fun and games.


Der Beitrag wurde am Montag, den 6. Januar 2014 um 13:54 Uhr von Irwin Collier veröffentlicht und wurde unter General Information abgelegt. Sie können die Kommentare zu diesem Eintrag durch den RSS 2.0 Feed verfolgen. Kommentare und Pings sind derzeit nicht erlaubt.

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