Clarifications about “Exam questions” and “Exercises”

Just to make sure that there is no confusion – there are two types of “homework” associated with this module:

  1. The “Exam Questions” (also referred to as “transfer tasks”) – there is one exam question every week, published on the Blackboard page of the Lecture on Friday at 12:00, which you must submit by Monday at 14:00. Your answers will be graded and your final grade will be based on these. You can consult your notes, books, the internet and other materials when answering these questions, but you must not discuss them with each other or with other people.
  2. The homework exercises posted by the instructors of your individual seminars (either on the blog or on the blackboard page of the seminar, not the lecture!). These are meant to give you opportunities to practice, they will typically be posted after the seminar. Ask your instructors about feedback. The exercises will not be graded and will not form part of your final grade. You can consult any materials you want and also discuss the exercises with each other.

Homework for session 2

Dear all,

For our next session:

  1. Please set up the VPN;
  2. Download the Bieswanger & Becker (2017) book;
  3. Watch the following three videos: IPA, speech organs, consonantsvowels; and introduction to articulatory phonetics;
  4. Solve the homework;
  5. Read Bieswanger & Becker (2017: 1-10 and 39-50).
  6. Read Plag et al. (2009: 1-16): it is available on Primo: Plag, Ingo. 2009. Introduction to English linguistics, 2nd edn (Mouton textbook). Mouton de Gruyter.

Have a nice week!


Week 2: Tasks

  1. Read Bieswanger & Becker (2017: 39-50)
    • Set up VPN
    • Bookmark or download the textbook (see .gif below, or here)
  2. Watch
  3. Recap homework

If you still have issues with enrollment, make sure to participate in this questionnaire and stay in touch with us.

Also pay close attention to our news channel on this Blog:

Week 2 (11 November): Text, video, & homework

Dear all,

thank you for participating in the first session of our seminar. In preparation for our next week’s session, please do the following:

  1. Read the following text: Bieswanger & Becker (2017: 39-50)
    • How to access the book is explained here.
    • How to use the VPN client is explained here.
  2. Watch the following videos
  3. Have a look at the sheet with your first homework tasks. You will find it on Blackboard in Course material/Homework
  4. If you feel like it, have a look at this feedback form.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at any time!

Best wishes,


[17310/17339] Reading, videos and homework for week 2

Dear all,

Thanks for today, we had a very stimulating discussion I think. I’m looking forward to next week’s session.

In preparation, please

  1. read Bieswanger & Becker 2017: section 3.1 (pp. 39-50)
  2. watch the following videos
  3. and do the homework (PDF in the Dropbox).

To access the online content of the library, which is exclusive to FU members, you’ll need a virtual private network (vpn) connection to pretend that you’re on campus. Zedat has instructions at