Orbán’s children. A cohort and period analysis of Hungarians’ attitudes during the illiberal period of Viktor Orbán

By Francisco Daniel Alvarez Langenbach

Summary: Previous literature argues that certain political periods can have a lasting attitudinal effect on the new generations. Examining the case of Viktor Orbán’s governments, this Master´s thesis argues that: (1) there is a period effect  in terms of left-right positioning; (2) Although ‘Orbán’s children’ are not more ‘Orbánist’ than their elders, they are not less so either.; (3) and attitudinal differences are more a reflect of a partisan rather than an intergenerational conflict.

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The Impact of World Society on Environmental Awareness

By Yi Kou

Summary: The world society, of which INGOs are key carriers, is often credited with contributing to the diffusion of liberal world culture. This master’s thesis explores the discrepant effects of environmental INGOs in the diffusion of global environmentalist culture across countries with different levels of development.

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Emotional Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic

By Theresa Uhr

Summary: The COVID-19 pandemic has turned our lives as we know them upside down. Measures to contain the virus affect our lives at every societal, economic, and personal level. This master’s thesis shows that emotional responses to the ongoing crisis are associated with socio-demographic characteristics as well as country-specific factors. Continue reading “Emotional Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic”

Ever More Politicized and Europeanized? Public Debates Over European Integration in France and Germany

By Ines Schäfer

Summary: Issues surrounding European integration have primarily been debated amongst national political parties. This master’s thesis shows that the Euro and Schengen crisis changed this standard as European actors became increasingly involved in highly politicized debates.

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Going to the Opera as a Door Opener to Academia

Summary: Non-meritocratic elements in selection processes reveal a persistent deficiency in Western societies, as they contradict the ideal of equality of opportunities. This master’s thesis sheds light on the relationship between lifestyles as one of these non-meritocratic elements and the transition to doctoral studies.

By Lukas Werner

Summary: Non-meritocratic elements in selection processes reveal a persistent deficiency in Western societies, as they contradict the ideal of equality of opportunities. This master’s thesis sheds light on the relationship between lifestyles as one of these non-meritocratic elements and the transition to doctoral studies.

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How to Make Sense of AKP’s Authoritarian Turn? A Contentious Politics Perspective

Summary: How and why have challenger-AKP government interactions changed over time and across different policy areas? Adopting a contentious politics perspective and based on original content analysis, this master’s thesis sheds new light on the controversial debate about the Turkish AKP’s transformation.

By Zozan Baran

Summary: How and why have challenger-AKP government interactions changed over time and across different policy areas? Adopting a contentious politics perspective and based on original content analysis, this master’s thesis sheds new light on the controversial debate about the Turkish AKP’s transformation.

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Civil society as a uniting force in the polarized German society

Summary: Does a strong civil society lead to more moderate party preferences? This master’s thesis presents empirical evidence in support of the moderating role of civil society by examining the rise of the Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) in a cross-regional perspective.

By Jan Osenberg

Summary: Does a strong civil society lead to more moderate party preferences? This master’s thesis presents empirical evidence in support of the moderating role of civil society by examining the rise of the Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) in a cross-regional perspective.

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Brexit, a watershed moment? (Re-)Framing Europe in Irish Politics

Summary: Brexit marks a turning point in the over 60 year-long history of European integration and presents a threat to the EU’s future. This master’s thesis contributes to a better understanding of the influence that such a dramatic external event can have on the framing of European integration.

By Emilie Schreier

Summary: Brexit marks a turning point in the over 60 year-long history of European integration and presents a threat to the EU’s future. This master’s thesis contributes to a better understanding of the influence that such a dramatic external event can have on the framing of European integration. Continue reading “Brexit, a watershed moment? (Re-)Framing Europe in Irish Politics”

Cosmopolitan Lifestyles: Leisure Activities and Cleavage Formation

Summary: A cleavage exists in Western society between cosmopolitans and communitarians, one which has frequently been the subject of animated debate. The master’s thesis adds to our understanding of the social and cultural underpinnings of this crucial political divide

by Rasmus Ollroge

Summary: A cleavage exists in Western society between cosmopolitans and communitarians, one which has frequently been the subject of animated debate. The master’s thesis adds to our understanding of the social and cultural underpinnings of this crucial political divide Continue reading “Cosmopolitan Lifestyles: Leisure Activities and Cleavage Formation”