The DRS Podcast

The Dahlem Research School podcast for prospective and current doctoral researchers was created to help support individuals who are considering a doctorate or who are already working on a doctorate. Across various seasons of the podcast, you’ll hear from former and current researchers talking about their experiences with the doctorate and in their transition to the job market after completing their doctorate as well as from various experts at the Freie Universität and beyond. We hope this podcast will help support you in successfully navigating the challenging and exciting doctoral process

After the release of an episode, short workshops will be offered where the topic can be discussed in more depth or experts will be invited to answer your questions.

If you would like to be informed about the release of a new episode via our newsletter, please sign up here.

Season One: Looking back at the doctorate

In season one of the DRS podcast, we interviewed former Freie Universität graduate students and asked them about their experiences. Why did they choose to do a doctorate? How did they deal with challenges along the way? What did they learn from their experiences? Where are they now, and how did they get there? Each episode can be found on the episode page, where you can listen to the episode audio, watch the episode as a video with captions, or take a look at the transcript.

Season Two: Frequently aSked Questions

In season two, we are talking to experts on a variety of different topics, including doing a doctorate in Germany as an international student, mental health during your doctorate, science communication, and other exciting things that will support you along the way.

SEASON ThREE: EXCELlent supervision

In interviews with the award winners of the the DRS Award for Excellent Supervision we want to find out, what qualifies supervisors for the award, what they do differently and if they have a secret recipe.

When do new episodes release?

Our seasons are grouped thematically, not by release date, so we may release episodes from multiple seasons at the same time. Please check this page to stay up to date. We’ll also be releasing our podcast on Apple Podcasts quite soon, so keep an eye out and get ready to follow us there!

Ideas? Questions? feedback?

If you have ideas for a future episode, questions about the podcast, or are looking for support during your doctorate, contact .