DRS 4 Docs @Berlin

The Dahlem Research School podcast for prospective and current doctoral researchers was created to help support scientists in their qualification and early career phase who are considering a doctorate or who are already working on a doctorate. Across various seasons of the podcast, you’ll hear from former and current researchers as well as from various experts at the Freie Universität and beyond. We hope this podcast will help support you in successfully navigating the challenging and exciting doctoral process.

In our podcast’s first season, we delve into the start of your doctoral journey. Through our interviews, we’ll explore whether pursuing a doctorate is the right choice for you and how to adapt to your new academic surroundings. Additionally, we’ll provide insights into the structures at Freie Universität Berlin that will assist you throughout your doctoral studies.

Pursuing a doctoral project demands extensive knowledge and skills, with challenges evolving at different stages of the journey. This second season will address common issues you might encounter, such as writer’s block, mental health, and building and maintaining interpersonal relationships with your department’s faculty.

Completing a doctorate can be just as challenging as starting one! The third season delves into the journey that begins after you submit your thesis, covering topics like publishing and defending your work. We also explore the German job market and the opportunities available to recent graduates who hold a doctoral degree.

In the fourth season of our interviews with DRS Award for Excellent Supervision winners, we aim to discover what what qualifies supervisors for the award and what sets them apart, what unique approaches they take, and whether they have any secret formulas for their success.


When do new episodes release?

Our seasons are grouped thematically, not by release date, so we may release episodes from multiple seasons at the same time. Please check this page to stay up to date. We also release some podcast episodes on Spotify, so keep an eye out and follow us there!

If you would like to be informed about the release of a new episode via our newsletter, please sign up here.


Ideas? Questions? feedback?

If you have ideas for a future episode, questions about the podcast, or are looking for support during your doctorate, contact aleksandra.skoric@fu-berlin.de .