Michael Grünstäudl (Gruenstaeudl), PhD

Postdoctoral Researcher at the Freie Universität Berlin


Successful Habilitation

The right and privilege to independently represent two disciplines in both research and teaching

In February 2023, I have successfully completed my postdoctoral habilitation qualification and was awarded the “Lehrbefugnis” (academic license to teach) in two academic disciplines: botany and bioinformatics.

The certificate of habilitation confers upon the recipient the right and privilege to independently represent that discipline in both research and teaching in academia.

Michael Gruenstaeudl - Successful habilitation - February 2023

Michael Gruenstaeudl – Successful habilitation – February 2023

Thus, I bid farewell to the Freie Universität Berlin and will start as an Assistant Professor at a different university.




Michael Gruenstaeudl

Michael Gruenstaeudl


The focus of my research is the development and application of computational methods to explore the phylogenetic relationships of flowering plants. Specifically, I develop and apply bioinformatics software and workflows to conduct phylogenetic and phylogenomic analyses in the context of process automation and genomic data mining. Using these tools, I explore real-world questions in plant systematics and evolution.



Writing bioinformatic software

Writing bioinformatic software


I conduct academic teaching and thesis supervision in both plant biology and bioinformatics. I hereby place great emphasis on the publication of student theses as scientific papers. Hence, my students typically have their first publication when they finish their Master’s thesis with me. Incidentally, I have won several academic teaching awards.





Publication statistics

Number of peer-reviewed publications:
              of those, first author:
              of those, last author:
(Last updated: Aug. 2021)

For details on my publications, please see my full publications list at:

ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1666-1773



Work in herbarium

Teaching plant systematics

About me

After completing a Ph.D. in plant biology at the University of Texas at Austin, I conducted postdoctoral research in the fields of evolutionary biology and bioinformatics at the Ohio State University. I then proceeded to the Freie Universität Berlin to conduct postdoctoral research in plant phylogenetics and bioinformatics,  teach as a lecturer, and have successfully completed my habilitation proceedings.


Website: http://michael-gruenstaeudl.de


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