Michael Grünstäudl (Gruenstaeudl), PhD

Postdoctoral Researcher at the Freie Universität Berlin

Monatsarchiv für October 2020

Buena vista con mVISTA

For an upcoming publication, a doctoral student and I want to visualize the sequence variability among several plastid genomes via the tool mVISTA. This tool is often employed in plastid phylogenomic studies and generally simple to use. However, if a user wishes to input custom annotations, it can be quite tricky to generate the correct […]

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Quick Illumina read statistics in Bash

Recently, a Master’s student of mine asked me to re-calculate some data statistics of an Illumina sequencing run. Among the desired statistics were (a) the total number of read bases (in bp), (b) the total number of reads, (c) the GC content (in %), and (d) the AT content (in %). Since the average file […]

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