[A#9, P5] Preparation of a summative evaluation

(1) Improve your high-fidelity prototype

1. Choose the biggest problem found during the last heuristic evaluation and answer the following questions:

The biggest problem in our mobile application is that we have no emergency exit.

Why is this the biggest problem for your users?

The biggest issue was that when you are at a screen, e.g. Muscle Relaxation Method, you must click the back button serveral times in order to get back to the dashboard.

How will you solve it?

In our prototype we designed a burger menu that have shortcuts for specific functions in our application. Therefore we want to add there a link to the Dashboard, so that the user can get to the dashboard faster.

How do you expect the user will behave, after the problem is solved?

Like I wrote in the last question the user can get to the dashboard faster and the overall navigation would be quicker.

2. Decide what usability issues you are going to fix in your prototype and what features you are going to implement next.

For the first week we focus, as we planned in our Gantt-Chart, how the dream-site should look like, how the user could rate his sleep and add his sleep data. For the second week of this assignment we want to focus on the statistics.
Also we want to improve the emergency exit as described above and change the text in our notification message because during the last heuristic evaluation this was also stated as one of the bigger problems in our prototype.

(2) Preparation for a summative evaluation

What are things you would like to do differently this time?

We want to describe our tasks differently, so that it is more in the language of the user.

What documents do you need?

  • Consent Form:

zur Verarbeitung personenbezogener Daten.

Hiermit erteile ich meine Einwilligung, dass im Rahmen eines Usability-Tests eines Prototypen die von mir erstellten Audio- und Video-Aufzeichnungen für die Evaluation der Arbeitsgruppe 5 (Sleepy Heads) verarbeitet werden dürfen.

Folgende personenbezogene Daten werden verarbeitet:

  • Biographische Daten (z.B. Ausbildung, Beruf)
  • Daten, die ein Nachweis Ihrer Einwilligung der Datenverarbeitung sind (z.b. diese Einwilligungserklärung)

Die genannten personenbezogen Daten werden ausschließlich zu Forschungszwecken verwendet.

Diese Einwilligung ist freiwillig und ich kann sie ohne Angabe von Gründen verweigern, ohne dass ich deswegen Nachteile zu befürchten hätte. Zum Widerruf ist eine formlose E-Mail an

tanid96@zedat.fu-berlin.de, yasemin.mutlugil@fu-berlin.de oder angelia00@zedat.fu-berlin.de ausreichend.

Ort, DatumfjruhfkjrdfjhdjhfjdhjfhdjhfjdhfUnterschrift

  • Script:
    (1) Notes for the User

    Wir testen die App, nicht dich! Fragen bitte gerne stellen, ich versuche sie soweit es geht zu beantworten. (Bitte laut denken, also alle deine Aktionen mit dem Prototypen beschreiben.)

    (2) Kontext der Anwendung
    Sleepy Heads ist eine mobile Anwendung mit der man seinen Schlaf tracken kann. Es wurde entwickelt um Personen mit Schlafproblem zu helfen ihren Schlaf zu überwachen und diesen zu verbessern. Ebenfalls bietet es ein Traumtagebuch, Einschlafhilfe und Auswertung zum Schlaf. Im Rahmen dieses Nutzertests möchten wir unsere App testen.

    (3) Aufgaben
    1. Du bereitest dich vor Schlafen zu gehen und willst in deiner App angeben dass du Muskelschmerzen und Kopfschmerzen hast.
    2. Da du jetzt hungrig ins Bett gehst und dazu kein Faktor vorliegt möchtest diesen Faktor hinzufügen.
    3. Da du Muskelschmerzen hast, wählst du vorher eine Muscle Relaxation Methode aus. 
    4. Nachdem du mit der Übung fertig bist, wählst du einen Podcast aus den du beim einschlafen hören möchtest. 
    5. Der Podcast soll nur für 30 Minuten spielen, stelle dies ein.
    6. Da du die letzten Tage scheinbar im Schlaf geredet hast möchtest du den Sound beim Schlafen aufnehmen um zu sehen was du sagst.
    7. Du bist jetzt bereit zu schlafen und willst deinen Schlaf starten.
    8. Du bist aufgewacht und nimmst gleich dein Handy in die Hand um es zu entsperren.
    9. Du hattest in der Nacht einen Alptraum und möchtest ihn notieren.
    10. Du hast nicht so gut geschlafen durch den Albtraum und möchtest das in der App festhalten.
    11. Da du keinen Fitnesstracker hast der automatisch deine Schlafzeiten notiert, machst du dies manuell.
    12. Zum Schluss möchtest du wissen wie gut du im Vergleich zu anderen Nächten geschlafen hast.

Which standardized questionnaire did you choose and why?

We decided to use the post-task questionnaire in order to see on which task or action the user had problems or is dissatisfied. Therefore we used the After Scenario Quest(ASQ) with a scala from 1 to 7.
With the post – test questionnaire we would only get an overall valuation which we found not so effective to change specific functions in our prototype.

This are the questions:

  • Overall, I am satisfied with the ease of completing the task in this scenario.
  • Overall, I am satisfied with the amount of time it took to complete the task in this scenario.
  • Overall, I am satisfied with the support information (online help, messages, documentation) when completing the task.

The questions are from https://slidetodoc.com/presentation_image_h/aceaee22d2394a20e57f0acdb9ea7e28/image-39.jpg, retrieved 04.07.2021, 10:55 AM

Who will do what in the evaluation?

We thought that we have for the upcoming evaluation three tasks:
Moderator, notetaker and timekeeper
Tanita will be the moderator, Yasemin the notetaker and Angelika the timekeeper.

Cognitive Walkthrough

Cognitive Walkthrough is an evaluation method, more precisely a Usability Inspection, in which no user participates.
This method focuses on the learnability of an application and what actions a new user would take for a given task and document it.
Therefore a usability expert emphasizes with a potential user and carry-out the given tasks.
For the procedure you need:

  • a description of the prototype of the interface
  • a task description
  • a list of the actions a user need to complete the task
  • an idea of who the users will be and what experience they have

Also an Evaluator should have these 4 questions in mind:

  • Will user know what sub-goal they want to achieve?
  • Will user find the action in the interface?
  • Will user recognize that it accomplishes the sub-goal?
  • Will user understand the feedback of the action?

Quellen :
Video: Müller-Birn, C., Lecture 9-2, LU #8 – Evaluating Techniques I – Human-Computer Interaction I (fu-berlin.de), Start: 1:40 End: 8:26, retrieved 10.06.2021, 13:00
Slides: 09-2_HCI_Cognitive_Walkthrough (fu-berlin.de), p.3-5

Dialog Box

A Dialog box is a type of pop-up menus and is inserted to get a certain information from the user. It is a small window and structured like a form.
We distingiush between a modal and modeless dialog box.

A modal dialog box blocks the whole application and sometimes prevents you from interacting with other applications. You can only get back if you enter the needed information or close the dialog box. It is used when the application needs certain information from the user in order to proceed the process.

I made the picture myself

A modeless dialog box doesn’t restrict the workflow of the user like the model dialog box, so it coexists with the parent application.

Navigation side bar in MS Word
I made the picture myself

Video: Müller-Birn, C., Lecture 7-2, LU #7 – Designing the Interaction between Human and Computer – Human-Computer Interaction I (fu-berlin.de), Start: 9:30 End: 12:13, retrieved 03.06.2021, 12:00
Slides: 07-02_Interaction_Styles (fu-berlin.de), p.7

[A#6, P5] Paper prototyping and usability testing

(1) Continue to develop (or start a new) paper prototype based on new insights or feedback from your peers.

What and why you have changed your prototype?

We used the feedback we got from our first feedback round, for example to have a dream diary with voice recording.
In the first version of our prototype we build functions that are important before a potential user goes to sleep (the night mode) but in order to test our prototype with its full functionality we decided to extend our prototype with the missing functions (the morning mode).

This is our new version of the prototype:


How you expect this will improve the prototype?

We hope that with the extension of our prototype the user will easier understand how the mobile application should be used than only with the first version.

(2) Conduct (at least) 3 formative usability tests.

Develop a script for your usability test.

(1) Notes for the User
We test our app and not you! Please ask questions and I do my best to answer them. Please think aloud and describe your interaction with our prototype.
We will record your screen and this interview as described in the Consent Form.

(2) Context of the application
Sleepy Heads is a mobile application that can track your sleep.
It was developed to help people to monitor and improve their sleeping problems. Furthermore you have a dream diary, relaxation methods and your sleep will be evaluated.
As part of the usertest we want to test our mobile application and get your feedback.

(3) Questions
How old are you?
Did or do you have sleeping problems?
Did or do you go to a doctor because of your sleeping problems?
What helps you falling asleep?

(4) Szenario(s)
You went to the doctor because of your sleeping problems and he recommended the mobile application ‚Sleepy Heads‘ to you.
You owned a smartwatch and you tracked your sleeping schedule with it until now. You want some more help and thats why you want to use ‚Sleepy Heads‘.
Now you want to go through a relaxation method before going to sleep and listen to a nature sound while falling asleep.
After you wake up you want to write down a dream you had and rate your sleep quality.

(5) Tasks
1. Familiarize yourself with the application and describe your first impression.
2. Please choose a Relaxation method.
3. Please search for sleep sound.
4. Please add a new factor.
5. Please choose the option to record your voice while you are sleeping.
6. Start the sleep modus.
7. Please stop the sleep modus.
8. Please add a new dream in your dream diary. Where would you navigate?
9. Please rate your sleep quality.

(6) Final questions
1. What are pros and cons of our mobile application?
2. Were all of the icons that we used understandable?
3. How did you find it that you had sleep methods and sleep music in the same category?
4. What did you find very good?
5. What would you changed?

(7) Final
Do you have any more questions regarding our mobile application?
Thanks for your time and participation!

Document who is taking what role.

Because of the fact that everyone of us invited one friend for the usertest we decided that the person who knows the interviewee will be the moderator and the other two will document the interview.

Decide if you want to record your test session and how you take notes during the test sessions.

We want to record the voice and the screen of the interviewee but it depends on the person if they agree to it or not.

Document who you are inviting for a test session and how long the session lasted.

1. Usertest: woman, 21 years old, no sleeping problems, but it takes a long time to fall asleep. The interview took 25 minutes.

2. Usertest: woman, 28 years old, has sleeping problems and went to a doctor, melatonin helps her to sleep better. The interview took 18 minutes.

3. Usertest: woman, 24 years old, has problems to wake up because her sleep is too deep, in order to fall asleep she listens to music or podcasts. The interview took 18 minutes.

[A#3, P5] Sleepy Heads – Conceptual Model for User & Context

Affinity Diagramming

For this task we used the website Google Jamboard
Here is an explanation for the different colours we used:

  1. Share Data
    At first we put each information on a sticky note and sorted them by the different data gathering method we used namely interview and markt analysis:

2. Clustering
Then we organzied them into different categories…

3. Headlines
…and gave them headlines:

4. Super Headlines
Then we discussed if we could combine some categories or not and gave
these new categories headlines too.

There you will see that some of our undercategories changed a bit due to our
constant discussions about the informations that we gathered.

5. Prioritize
In this final step we prioritized each category as to whether it is super
important for designing our mobile application or not.