DNA sequence alignment matters. Together with a doctoral student and two other co-authors, I just published a new paper on a plant lineage of South American sunflowers. We demonstrate – among other aspects – that a correct DNA sequence alignment remains a critical aspect in plastid phylogenomic studies, even if the amount of sequence data […]
Archiv der Kategorie 'scientific papers'
New Paper – A Python package to evaluate archived plastid genomes
Automated database assessment. Together with an undergraduate co-author, I just published a new paper on a Python package that automates the survey of thousands of plastid genomes archived on NCBI Nucleotide. Using our new software, we demonstrate – among other aspects – that almost half of all plastid genomes archived on NCBI Nucleotide lack sequence […]
New paper – A Python package for DNA sequence submissions
Facilitating DNA sequence submissions to ENA I just published a new paper on a Python package to facilitate the user-friendly submission of plant and fungal DNA barcoding sequences to ENA. Co-author of the software is an undergraduate student, who (as part of his bachelor thesis) designed the graphical user interface for the software.
New paper – Bioinformatic Workflows for Generating Complete Plastid Genome Sequences
In science, standardization and repeatability is a must. Together with two other scientists, I just published a new paper on bioinformatic workflows for generating complete plastid genome sequences in the context of plastid phylogenomics of the water-lily clade. We demonstrate that standardization and repeatability are essential elements for modern plant phylogenomics and how such standardization […]
New paper – Conserved plastid genome structure in early-diverging angiosperms
Not so different after all. Together with two other scientists, I just published a new paper on the plastid genome structure of early-diverging angiosperms. We demonstrate that the plastid genomes of early-diverging angiosperms are much more conserved than previously considered.