The right and privilege to independently represent two disciplines in both research and teaching In February 2023, I have successfully completed my postdoctoral habilitation qualification and was awarded the “Lehrbefugnis” (academic license to teach) in two academic disciplines: botany and bioinformatics. The certificate of habilitation confers upon the recipient the right and privilege to independently […]
Archiv der Kategorie 'teaching'
Teaching botany during the Coronavirus pandemic
Time for innovative methods. Teaching botany and evolutionary biology to college students during spring 2020 certainly required the application of innovative teaching methods. Classes are held entirely online, and access to suitable plant material is limited by the closure of university greenhouses. Still, with the proper adjustment of the course structure, a meaningful learning experience […]
Teaching in Spring 2020
Talks at public events
One of the by-products of being a scientist: Talks at public events
Teaching botany at night
Get out your cellphones. Teaching botany at night makes plant identification an interesting challenge. Luckily, today’s students all come equipped with brand-new cellphones (with integrated flashlights). Thus, plant morphology does not need to wait until daylight or the next blooming season.
Teaching award 2017
Awarded annually to a lecturer in biology, chemistry and pharmacy I recently received the teaching award for biology at the FU Berlin for 2017. Many thanks to those students who recommended me. I appreciate your praise!
Teaching in spring
In the lab with teachers-to-be and high-school students One of the master-level courses I teach at the Freie Universität Berlin during spring semester, the NatLab Evolution, is geared towards a comprehensive teaching education for upcoming high-school teachers. During this course, we invite high-school students from across Berlin to spend a day in the lab and […]
Teaching the teachers II
Teaching the teachers II Like last year, I held training labs for current high school teachers as part of the NatLab initiative. It was a wonderful experience and great to find out what today’s high school teachers wish to communicate to their students.
Teaching freshmen
Currently, I am teaching a class on botany and global biodiversity to freshman-level students. Although the total number of students signed up for my course is large, and thus I have to guide dozens of students through the course materials every day, I love academic teaching and I hope that the students enjoy the course […]