In season one of our podcast, we tackle the beginning of your path to the doctorate. In these interviews we will discuss if a doctorate is the right path for you and how to get acquainted to your new academic environment. Further, we will be giving you some insights on the structures of the Freie Universität Berlin that will support you during your doctoral journey.
If you’d like to be updated when a new episode comes out, sign up for our newsletter here.
- Episode 1: Interview with Dr. Marlies Klamt, co-host of our podcast, discussing whether or not a doctorate is the right path for you
- Episode 2: Interview with Kirsten Schmiester from the Welcome Service of Freie Universität Berlin giving tips to doctoral researchers from abroad starting their doctorate at the university
- Episode 3: Interview with Maren Vogel, represantative of the doctoral council at Freie Univesität Berlin
- Finding the right supervisor: subject and supervision
- Find the Welcome Service here
- Information on accommodation: Service of the Freie Universität Berlin ,
StudierendenWERK Berlin on housing for students - Find out about the Doctoral Council at Freie Universität Berlin
- Doctoral Council at FUB
- FAQs on Doctoral Council election
Dahlem Research School – Workshops for al phases of your doctorate: register and start booking here.
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