Finishing a doctorate can be as challenging as starting it! This season looks into the process that begins after handing in your thesis (including publishing and defending) as well as the German job market and what it has to offer for recent graduates that hold a doctoral title.
- Episode 1: Amanda Wichert, co-host of our podcast, gives tips and tricks to cracking the German job market as an international doctoral researcher
- Episode 2: Teresa Kolakowski, technology transfer officer at Freie Universität Berlin at Profund Innovation, speaks about transfering knowledge from your doctoral research to society
- Episode 3: Dr. Ole Schulz-Trieglaff, graduate of Freie Universität Berlin and the International Max Planck Research School for Molecular Genetics looks back to his time as a doctoral candidate and his transition from academia to industry
- Episode 4: Dr. Michael Love, graduate of the Freie Universität and the Max Planck Research School for Molecular Genetics in Berlin, looks back to his doctorate and his transition between the German and American education system
- Berlin University Alliance Events – workshops and seminars for all phases of your doctorate
- Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetz (in German) – important information on pre- and post-doc contracts in German academia
- careerberlin.de – helping you enter the German job market post graduation by co-host of our podcast Amanda Wichert
Dahlem Research School – Workshops for al phases of your doctorate: register and start booking here.
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