Season Two: Doing a doctorate

Extensive knowledge and skills are required for the doctoral project. The challenges change at different stages of the doctorate. This season focuses on issues that you might face while working on your doctorate such as writer’s block, mental health as well as the creation and maintenance of interpersonal relationships with your department’s faculty.

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  • Episode 1: Dr. Marlies Klamt, PhD coach and co-host of our podcast, talks about building and maintaining good supervision-relationships
  • Episode 2: Listen in to our chat with Dr. Anselm Spindler, writing coach and workshop facilitator, as we talk about academic writing.
  • Episode 3: Prof. Heberle discusses good scientific practice and his role as the Central Ombudsperson of the Freie Universität Berlin
  • Episode 4: Sandra Neumann, representative of the organisation „Scholar Minds“, discusses mental health during the doctorate
  • Episode 5: Join us on our talk with Christine Eßmann-Stern, the Women’s Representative and Gender Equality Officer, where we discuss about power relations in academia
  • Episode 6: Stefan Skupien, coordinator for Open Science of the Berlin University Allience, discusses the value of open science and how to research based on its principles from early on in order to make your research accessible both within and outside academia
  • Episode 7: Prof. Dr. Martin Lücke, professor for historical education at the Free University of Berlin, talks about the challenges and opportunities for first-generation doctoral researchers



Dahlem Research School – Workshops for all phases of your doctorate: register and start booking here.

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