Babylonian Medicine

Freie Universität Berlin

Medical Knowledge from Ancient Babylonia to Talmudic Babylonia

BabMed Working Session in Jerusalem: On September 20, 2015, Israel prize winner Shamma Friedman and head of the BabMed partner project at Bar-Ilan University invites the public to discuss the links in medical knowledge between the Babylonian eras of Ancient Mesopotamia and the Bavli.

Deputy head of project, Aaron Amit, will give insights to the textual research achieved during the project’s course, contributions by Gideon Bohak from Tel Aviv University as well as Markham J. Geller and Tanja Hidde from Freie Universität Berlin shall discuss further aspects of linkage between the two cultures.



Medical Knowledge from Ancient Babylonia to Talmudic Babylonia
Sunday, September 20, 2015, at 2.30 pm
The Schechter Institute of Jewish Studies, Jerusalem

Gideon Bohak, Tel Aviv University: Aramaic Manuals of Divination from Late Antiquity.

Tanja Hidde, Freie Universität Berlin: Bulmos/Boulímos in the Talmudic Tradition.

Markham J. Geller, Freie Universität Berlin: Goodbye Julius Preuss: Unexpected Instances of Medicine in the Bavli.

Aaron Amit, Bar-Ilan University: סוסכינתא An Obscure Disease and a Dubious Cure in Bavli Yebamot 64b.




2015_09_BabMed Workshop Jerusalem programme


Agnes Kloocke

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