Internship in Msida, Malta

When I was finishing my study abroad Erasmus semester in Athens, I knew I wasn’t ready to go back to cold Germany just yet, and I still had to complete the 30 ABV credits, so I decided to look for an internship abroad. I stumbled upon an internship in science communication in Malta, and applied, thinking I would not get in because of my lack of a STEM background. I was impressed with the description, noting that they were working on two projects related to urban planning, which I was planning to study as my Master’s.

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A botanical journey through Sicily

During the summer of 2024, I embarked on a research internship in Palermo, Italy, immersing myself in the world of vegetation and plant ecology at the local university.

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My Stay in Uppsala

My time in Uppsala has been incredibly pleasant and rewarding. I arrived in July, at a time when most of the students and residents of the city were away on their summer holidays. The city initially felt quite empty, which was a bit odd at first. However, this gave me a unique opportunity to experience Uppsala from a different perspective—quieter and more serene.

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Internship at Nuclio in Spain

Over the past six months, I had the opportunity to intern at Nuclio, a venture builder that focuses on creating and developing new startups. As a Venture Development Intern, I was involved in various tasks that exposed me to the fast-paced world of venture creation. This experience has been invaluable in helping me gain a deeper understanding of the startup ecosystem and has played a key role in my career development.

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Research Internship at the Karolinska Institute

I completed my 3-months-internship at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm. I worked in the Department of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics, in the Molecular Metabolism division. I worked directly with a team consisting of a Postdoc and a PhD student. The group’s research aims to understand the regulatory mechanisms of mitochondrial DNA and RNA metabolism, as well as their effects on gene expression and RNA degradation in mitochondria.

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Forschungspraktikum in den Max Perutz Labs, Wien

Im Rahmen meines Biochemiestudiums an der Universität Berlin habe ich im Sommer 2024 ein dreimonatiges Erasmus-gefördertes Praktikum in Wien absolviert. Dieses Praktikum fand in den Max Perutz Labs, einem renommierten biochemischen Forschungsinstitut, statt. Während meiner Zeit dort arbeitete ich im Leonard Lab, wo ich wertvolle Einblicke in moderne biochemische Forschung und neue methodische Ansätze gewinnen konnte. Dieser Bericht soll einen Überblick über meine Erfahrungen geben und die kulturellen Unterschiede und den Alltag in Österreich reflektieren.

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Veterinary Internship in Canada

Ever since I started studying veterinary medicine at the Freie Universität Berlin, I have felt a strong interest in wildlife. In my second year, I began working in the wildlife department of the small animal clinic at my vet school. There, I treated various species of wild birds commonly found in German cities and suburban areas, as well as hedgehogs and occasionally bats. I loved working with these animals and knew I wanted to incorporate wildlife rehabilitation into my fourth-year internships.

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Praktikum in einer Deutsch-Spanischen Kanzlei in Barcelona

Während meines Praktikums bei der Anwaltskanzlei in Barcelona sammelte ich umfassende Erfahrungen in verschiedenen Rechtsgebieten, wobei mein besonderer Schwerpunkt auf der Bewältigung der komplexen
deutsch-spanischen Rechtsbeziehungen lag.

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Biochemistry Internship in Glasgow

For the last research project of my Biochemistry master’s programme with focus on Oncology, I was drawn towards Scotland, which is why I started to search for suitable labs at institutes of CRUK (Cancer Research United Kingdom) in Edinburgh and Glasgow.

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Praktikum in einer bilingualen Kita in Nantes

Nachdem ich den Entschluss getroffen hatte, ein freiwilliges Praktikum im Ausland zu machen und mich über die Rahmenbedingungen von Erasmus+ informiert hatte, begann ich entsprechend meiner Interessengebiete und Sprachkenntnisse nach einem psychologischen Praktikum im Kinder- und Jugendbereich im englisch- oder französischsprachigen Ausland zu suchen.

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