The conference, which brings together scholars of medical history and from related fields, such as classics, literary studies, linguistics, digital humanities, philosophy and psychology, wants to offer a better understanding of this multi-faceted and widely attested phenomenon of questions and answers in ancient medical literature, from the Hippocratic writers to Late Antiquity and its reception in early Byzantine times. ‘Medical literature’ is understood in a broad sense, encompassing not only the highly specialized medical treatises of authors like Galen, but also, i.a., literary sources (esp. drama), collections of probèmata, and (anonymous) papyri, which all somehow relate to the world of ancient medicine.
Date: 30-31 August 2016
Venue: The Leuven Institute for Ireland in Europe, Janseniusstraat 1, 3000 Leuven
For the conference’s full programme click here.